Thor Ragnarok - Cut Short Review

Cast: Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Cate Blanchett, Idris Elba, Jeff Goldblum, Tessa Thompson, Karl Urban, Mark Ruffalo, Anthony Hopkins
Direction: Taika Waititi
Production: Marvel Studios
Music: Mark Mothersb
Runtime: 2 hrs 10 mins
Censor Certificate: U/A

Plot - Thor gets imprisoned on the other side of the universe to prevent the destruction of his homeland Asgard from the powerful Hela. How he saved Asgard with the help of his team forms the remaining of the story. 

       Even we watch so many different genre films, Superhero subject is still a favourite for all. That too kids love it to the core. The fans of Marvel comics have a great craze towards every character in that comics. Thor is also one among them. After the successful streak of Thor 1 and 2, the announcement of third installment 'Thor Ragnarok' made the fans to go crazy. The trailers of the film created a very big hype as the Hulk also shares his screen presence in this film. Finally, the wait came to an end on 3rd November.

      Chris Hemsworth, as usual gave a mindblowing performance as Thor and stole our hearts in both action and hilarious scenes. Tom Hiddleston also gave his best as Loki and scored well with his usual style of performance. Cate Blanchett, who played the powerful baddie 'Hela' had a strong characterisation and gave justice to that character. Still she had a strong characterisation of villainism, her screen presence was less only. But she made a stronger impact in our minds. Tessa Thompson played as Valkyrie and also made her portions comfortable to the audience by doing a great job. Mark Ruffalo, who stole our hearts as Hulk, once again did the same job with his strong screen presence. The intro scene of Thor with powerful action was really superb. Benedict Cumberpatch, who is playing as Doctor Strange made a wonderful cameo. The director handled this subject in a very entertaining manner. He blended the action and humour in a correct balance. This made every scene in the film with high intensity. In the Thor 1 and 2, the subject will be more serious. But humour in this installment, made the audience more entertaining. The fight scene between Hulk and Thor was so lively. The plot was simple, but the execution of screenplay was in a very good manner. The other characters also played their role well. The visuals of the film were so good. The background score was also nice. The first half of the film was so entertaining and it doesn't disturbs the flow of storyline. But in the second half, some small lagging issues takes place in between. The climax portion was the biggest highlight of the film in which the action scenes was at it's peak. It was also convincing. But, the predictability factor is very high. It doesn't create an issue. The mistakes are so negligible only. So, we all can get entertained with this Marvel Film. 

Verdict - The third installment of Thor is so entertaining and engaging than the other two parts. Despite some negligible flaws, this Marvel film will definitely give us fulfilled feel. So, watch the Thor Ragnarok and get entertained. 

Cut Short Rating - 8.2/10
